LWFT President’s Report, Spring 2016
I hope to use this LWFT website to start having brief, but more frequent communication with LWTech Faculty on important issues. Briefer than this, anyway. Lots to catch up on. Please bookmark http://lwtcft.wa.aft.org
The first concern at this time is that Faculty do NOT use the college email for Federation (union) matters. Announcements of general informational nature are permitted, but the feedback and discussion that follows can easily be problematic. Please respond if necessary to lwft.president@gmail.com. If you give permission to use your home email, we will manage the member list locally and not share it with the state or national, especially in this busy election year.
Public Records
See on the website a recent situation that highlights the need to use offsite communications. For various reasons, certain third parties are using Public Records Act requests from state agencies, and targeting union members’ personal information. Requests have been made for all union communications, whether legitimate or not. We have asked the administration to notify us if any requests are made here, and AFT-Washington will help to fight these privacy intrusions. See the letter on the website too.
Follow up to the last E-Board minutes (posted on website)
Treasurer report “Our savings balance has stayed at $18,320.51 cents since 2014. We must be in a no-interest account. Our checking varies from a balance of $32,000 to $36000, but is usually in the $33,000 range. Without doing an extensive analysis, I would say we are seeing a constant even cash flow. Our expenses do not vary much, but are lower this year than last (fewer trips & conferences, and less Pizza). Our membership is constantly varying, not only by quarter, but monthly. That would make reporting a bit nebulous. In addition, there is an ebb and flow of PT to FT and FT to PT. Depending on the time of academic year it matters or not. FT are assessed full National dues, but PT are increasingly assessed as the year goes by. Keep in mind we keep salaries on a September – June basis, and we are assessed on a Jan-December tax basis.”
· Bank accounts – getting Scarlet signature authority
· Seeking AFT-WA guidance on recommended reserves and will move funds to savings
· I’m recommending to the E-Board that our currently healthy balance means we do not need to pass a national or state dues increase this summer on to our local dues.
· E-Board will be asked to authorize LWFT providing a pizza lunch during one of the In-Service days when Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty are invited and hold a General meeting/update.
· Purchase a vinyl banner: more visibility (share cost with Classified?)
Syllabus issue
We are working to use a consistent syllabus format that includes certain mandatory elements, but leaves the wording, methods, classroom policies and content up to the Faculty, consistent with our Academic Freedom provisions in the CBA. The administration insists on using the syllabi to notify students of certain important resources (Title IX, DSS, etc.) with common language, while Faculty believe there are more effective ways to communicate these things. It is not a Bargaining issue, and the Instructional Council is tasked with a revised draft that clarifies the mandatory elements.
· Currently we are in an intense period of detailed small-group work on solutions.
· Latest Joint Communique from the combined Team is in draft form and will be sent out very soon.
· If necessary, please respond to the lwft.president@gmail.com address from your personal email and your comments will be passed on to the Faculty team members.
Green River United Faculty (an AFT affiliate) is on strike this week.
· The issues: http://www.unitedattheriver.com/
· Please do not cross the picket line (or accept part-time work there at this time).
· Can you help? https://leadernet.aft.org/webform/strike-support-green-river-united-faculty-local-2195
Voting issues
We are proposing Officer terms (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer and two At-Large E-Board members) of 2 years (a change in the LWFT Constitution), if the current officers are willing to continue. These term lengths are recommended by AFT, and can be accomplished by an online vote. Otherwise we need to conduct a paper-ballot election in the time remaining this quarter.
It looks like a Contract vote will occur in the Fall quarter. (See the Joint Communique.)
Joint AFT-WEA Negotiations Workshop: June 3, 2016. See website if interested.
Availability of Union Leadership training in summer. Contact Jim.
Please contact Barry Robinson (brrsleepy@yahoo.com) with any ideas on a desperately needed Membership Drive. There seems to be another wave of Faculty turnover this year.