Upcoming Campaign Events – Pierce County
Saturday, Oct. 2:
Labor Neighbor doorbelling canvass for Tom Campbell, 9:00 – 1:00
IBEW local 76 Union Hall, 3049 S. 36th St., Tacoma
Wednesday, Oct. 6:
Meet and greet with Suzan DelBene, 5:00 PM
Machinists Union Hall, 201 A. Street North, Auburn
Saturday, Oct. 9:
Union Meeting then Tami Green opportunity, 9:00 AM
Call for location
Saturday, Oct. 16:
Union Meeting then Laurie Jinkins opportunity, 9:00 AM
Tully’s on Division & Tacoma
Sunday, Oct. 17:
Union Meeting then Dawn Morrell opportunity, 1:00 PM
Call for location
Saturday, Oct. 23:
Labor Neighbor doorbelling canvass for Dawn Morrell and Tami Green, 9:00 – 1:00
IBEW local 76 Union Hall, 3049 S. 36th St., Tacoma