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Take Action

See the flyer for Equity Day at the Capitol in Olympia on Monday, Feb. 20, 2017. Transportation and lunch provided.

Equity Rally Flyer 


Public Records request for personal info

Dear President,

I am writing to alert you to a potential serious threat to our members and organization. The Freedom Foundation (FF) has begun Public Records requests of Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) member information at numerous colleges and state agencies. (Click here to see WFSE’s press release.) They are seeking personal information, such as dates of birth! While we are not aware of any such requests made for our member information, we must take steps to ensure we at least minimize, and better yet eliminate, the damage done should such requests be made.  [More]

Letter sent to LWTech Administration, requesting they use the option to notify the Federation.

Presidents Report to Faculty –
LWFT Members please vote to extend officer terms

​Vote here this week:

This is a difficult dilemma. As you can read in the updated Bargaining status report (attached), we will not be able to ratify the new contract this quarter as we hoped. So a contract vote will be held in the Fall. We’re still working this week on many of the details, agreements and memoranda of understandings that need to be in place for the fiscal year on July 1st. That means a vote for next year’s Federation officers is just impossible in this final